Monthly Archives: May 2012

Mobile Heath Apps to increase threefold in 2012


The mobile health app space is booming!  There are already over 200 million apps in use today and that number is expected to grow by threefold this year.   There is no doubt that mobile technology is revolutionizing healthcare and allowing people more access to their health information, better data tracking, and improved communication. HEALTH eDesigns [...]

Mobile Heath Apps to increase threefold in 20122012-05-31T20:05:36+00:00

Can Mobile Apps Save the Mental Health Provider Shortage?


Studies predict a shortage of qualified mental health professionals in the future.  The financial rewards of being a mental health professional are dropping drastically due to how the insurance companies are reimbursing for services.  As the baby-boomers retire out of their positions and fewer young people are entering the field, we are soon headed towards [...]

Can Mobile Apps Save the Mental Health Provider Shortage?2012-05-25T15:01:24+00:00

Contact Info

HEALTHeDesigns LLC 112 E Pecan St # 1100 San Antonio, TX 78205-1522

Phone: (713) 478-4018

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